Author Topic: "Image Pad" relocation  (Read 3281 times)


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"Image Pad" relocation
« on: July 31, 2009, 06:27:51 PM »
Hi Folks,
I'm in the process of moving the Image pad (
from the ssm-fans server to an external hosting server.
I'm doing this to allow me to remove the restriction in place right now and allow you to use it to link images to EVERY website (and not only on SSM-fans or space-shuttle-mission sites.)

so in the next few hours (depending on the DNS refresh rates) images that are uploaded might result in broken links. if that happens, just upload the image or tell me, and I'll copy it to the new mirror.

the images would be replicated once a day to the ssm-fans server, so that I will be able to migrate back to our server if the new mirror will not be "up to par".

thank you! and sorry for the trouble.
The SSM-fans sites:
The Image Pad:
you can contact me at