Author Topic: Promotional material  (Read 6215 times)

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Promotional material
« on: July 29, 2009, 03:42:20 PM »
Hi everyone,

I discovered this Sim only a week ago and i am happily addicted.  My background is in Flight Simulation and I was hugely impressed with this Sim and the support which comes with it!  I was wondering who else is a 'flight simmer' so to speak and thought you might be interested to know that i sent the following email to PC Pilot to try and get more people interested in this brilliant Sim!

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Dear PC Pilot,

I have been a reader of your magazine for the last six months or so.  I first became interested in flight simulation two years ago now and had no idea that not only is it a hugely enjoyable hobby but also has a fantastic community which supports it, of which your magazine is a huge part!  It wasn't until I was browsing in a popular book store that i noticed your magazine and thought to myself 'no surely not, not a publication solely devoted to PC flying'.  Sure enough it was and needless to say it has given me hours of reading pleasure not to mention many many ideas!

Now onto the reason for my letter, I noticed in your last issue the article on 'Ship Simulator' and this got me thinking.  Many of us in this hobby thrive on accurate replications of aircraft and flight experiences etc, but in reality I think many of us would admit we like 'simulating' many things.  So I thought I would suggest an article or section on different simulators.  One in particular that comes to mind is the fantastic Space Shuttle Mission 2007  Accurately modelled shuttle missions are replicated and I can not speak highly enough of the hard work that must have gone into this simulator.  It would be great to see this reviewed and make PC pilot leave our atmosphere and into the cosmos....even for a brief time.  I have attached screenshots which I have no problem with you using in the screenshot section.  If you need anyone to write the review I would be happy to volunteer.

Thanks for your time and your magazine

Richard Hill


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Re: Promotional material
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 05:10:00 PM »
Hi T Minus,
PC Pilot did a review back in the July-Aug 2008 issue, and they liked it, so much so, they provided the demo of SSM2007 on the CD Cover. It was alos the main illustration on the CD.
Winner of the "weakest HW/OS combination on which SSM2007 runs with acceptable frame-rates" - Admin

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Re: Promotional material
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 05:52:40 PM »
Dear Sir,

Thank you for the support and enthusiasm. While, as pointed by 'desktopsimmer' above, PC Pilot did run a very good review about SSM2007 and offered the demo on its cover CD/DVD, that happened close to one year ago.

Your letter to the magazine is welcomed since there are many readers like yourself who did not read that article (although we do point to it in our Press/Reviews thread in this forum).

You may also be interested in our other presences on the Web here:

So THANK YOU again for reviving PC Pilot's interest in what we do and this amazing community. Hopefully more people like yourself will find the time and will to "spread the word" and bring more people to the hobby, for the benefit of both the Ground Crew and the thriving SSM2007 community.

If you are given the opportunity to review SSM2007 (again), this can be an update to the original review - and MUCH has changed since then - so you can suggest an "SSM2007 Revisited" review style.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 06:16:19 PM by Admin »
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -


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Re: Promotional material
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 07:48:49 PM »
Hi Richard, welcome to our community and thanks for spreading the word! We have an incredible sim here and a great community to go with it! Hope to hear you on TS soon for one of our Synch Launch events!

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Re: Promotional material
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 08:10:31 PM »
It was my pleasure to write to PC Pilot.  I was unaware that they had previously covered it.  Hopefully something will come of it as I have always looked at the Just Flight Shuttle expansion for Flight Sim X and thought 'thats just re entry....i wonder if there is anything else out there.'  For a long time I have gone without thinking there isn't but alas there is! So i hope at least I can go some way to letting people know in the flight sim world that there is something different out there.  In fact I had many interested people when i posted some screenshots on flight sim forums.  These experienced simmers had not heard of the Space Shuttle Mission 2007.  Better still PC Pilot will hopefully realise that you have made great strides since 2007, well you must have because I can see many many updates! keep them coming.

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PS just finished STS - 1 start to finish.......fantastic! I hope to try one of the live launches!


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Re: Promotional material
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2009, 11:01:58 PM »
Once you do one of the live launches with a team of like-minded freaks on TeamSpeak, you'll never want the Space Shuttle program to end :)

Next real launch is set for end of August, but before that, we may initiate a Test Launch - just for fun, and teaching newcomers the ropes of synchronizing online.

Follow the Sync Launches thread here:

and never miss an event.

- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -