Author Topic: The Movie Contest is on!  (Read 22814 times)


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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
The Movie Contest is on!
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:23:47 PM »
We are delighted to announce the kickoff of the first official movie contest based on the Space Shuttle Mission 2007™ PC Space Shuttle Simulation.

The contest is sponsored by Matrox Graphics, the developers of TripleHead2Go – the ultimate solution for cost-effective multi-monitor productivity & Surround Gaming display, and NaturalPoint , the creators of TrackIR:PRO – the 3D head-tracking device for serious gamers.

This contest is open to all the customers of the Space Shuttle Mission 2007 PC game, and we are pleased to inform you that Space Shuttle Mission 2007 includes full native support for both TripleHead2Go and TrackIR:PRO.

Contest rules:

  • The contest starts on March 31st and ends on August 31st at 00:00 UTC.
  • Participants must own a legal copy of Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (must supply an Order ID matching their email, etc).
  • The movie should be uploaded on YouTube and its YouTube title should be "Space Shuttle Mission 2007 – Video Contest – STS-XXX ". The tags/keywords and description should include: "Space Shuttle Mission 2007 Matrox TrackIR TripleHead2Go". Current SSM2007 You Tube movies are not eligible for the contest.
  • You may submit as many movies as you please.
  • The movie opening title should include the following statement:  "Space Shuttle Mission 2007 Video Contest 2008, sponsored by Matrox Graphics and NaturalPoint". You may of course also add the movie description etc.
  • The movie should be at least 2-minutes long.
  • Special titling and/or effects are allowed.
  • SSM2007-related soundtrack is allowed, including, music, narration, sound FX. Make sure you respect 3rd party soundtrack copyrights and credits. This refers to music, voices, sounds etc. taken from sources other than SSM2007. If you do not, YouTube may remove your entry without warning, or worse.
  • The movie should contain only video sequences from SSM2007.
  • Please email us the You-Tube link to the movie and the Order ID that you received when you purchased the game, to "info at" . The email Subject line should be: "SSM2007 Video Contest" + "Contestant Name". We will reject any entries containing FTP links or videos sent as email attachments.
  • The SSM2007™ Crew members, and partners are not eligible for this contest.

  • 1st Prize: TripleHead2Go Digital Edition from Matrox –
  • 2nd Prize: TrackIR:PRO from NaturalPoint –
  • 3rd Prize: A free license of SSM2007 + SSM2007 Key-chain and 2" full color magnet, both with the SSM2007 logo.
  • 4th Prize: SSM2007 Key-chain and 2" full color magnet, both with the SSM2007 logo.

The selection of the winners will be conducted exclusively by the SSM2007™ crew. The decision is final and it will be made public in the official SSM2007 Forum, together with the links to the winning entries.

Parameters for selecting the winning movies:
  • Originality
  • Artistic approach (video, FX, soundtrack)
  • Educational/Informational value

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 06:06:06 PM by Admin »
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -