February 7 , 2025
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
December 31 , 2024 We wish all old and new users..
December 24 , 2024 We wish all old and new users a
November 20 , 2024
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
September 30 , 2024
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
July 22 , 2024
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
May 24 , 2024
We are now using PayPal for license distribution!
Unfortunately, automatic online license generation is no longer possible. Hence customers have to wait for up to 24 hours for license activation. As a compensation for the extra trouble we reduce all purchases on PayPal by $5 to:
The purchase page has also been updated and hopefully a bit more logic to use. Hopefully.

Mars 23 , 2024
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
December 31 , 2023 We wish all old and new users a very...
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
October 22 , 2023
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
June 11 , 2023
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
February 21 , 2023
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
December 30 , 2022
We wish all old and new users a very...
September 27 , 2022
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
February 24 , 2022
SSMS2 update!
Check it out here: Latest News
December 31 , 2021
We wish all old and new users a very...
September 26 , 2021
SSMS2 update!
Finally some news about the forever ongoing SSMS2 project.
Check it out here: Latest News
Mars 15 , 2021
Forum login problems!!
If you got problems loging in to the forum and get any silly messages like "Unable to verify referring url" or any error ending with "This error was generated by Mod_Security", just click in the browser address field and remove all text after www.space-shuttle-mission.com/forum and press return. After that log in as usual. Dont know if its a SMF error or a nutty internet provider.
Mars 11 , 2021
The forum is up again! Dont know if anything is lost among the users. And its still SMF default theme. Starting with the customization tomorrow. Until that's finished any links to custom avatars and stuff like that will be broken.If you got any problems with loging in or anything serious, just mail support or Admin.
Mars 09 , 2021
The resolution fix patch has finally been addded to the download section. Forgot that was only available through the forum......
......which still is unavailable. But were on it 24/7. Got the SMF software running but got some issues with the database conversion.
Mars 05 , 2021
Things have been running smoothly for quite some time now, so our webhosts decided to upgrade PHP to version 7.3 just like that.
Unfortunately our forum didn't like that at all. Dont worry, everything is backed up, but the forum is down while the forum upgrade takes place.
We do our best to get back as soon as possible.
If you have any problem, you reach us as usual am, you reach us as usual at
Sorry for your inconvenience.
December 31 , 2020
We wish all old and new users a...
We also have some latest news for you at last.
Check it out here: Latest News
December 25 , 2020
Merry Christmas!
After another year in silence ;-P the lanchpad models are finally finished. Be prepared for some nasty screenshots before new years eve.
December 31 , 2019
As promised we have updated the latest news section of SSMS2.
Check it out here:Latest News
December 24 , 2019
After some months of silence we finally is getting the site in something close to order again.
Our ISPs HTML editor system corrupted files as they were saved so its been almost impossible to edit anything.
There will be more info and screenshots of SSMS2 later this week, before next year.
After about 150 work hours the new FSS is really taking shape.
September 04 , 2014
Really bad news!
Dear customers! There's with great sorrow we have to announce that our co-founder, administrator, marketing director and, not to say the least, great friend Alexander Lorinczi has past away. He lost the several years long fight against a brain tumor. Our thoughts and condolences goes to his wife and two children. Hopefully this ends all speculations that has been going on in the forums. It was he's personal request to not make it public, and we hoped to the end that he could win the uneven battle. For that reason this page has not been updated for a long,long time. There has been more important things to take care of, as we hope you understand. Finally some important notes: -The reactivation of licenses has, and will always work as usual. Mail to support [at] space-shuttle-mission.com. -Users that have applied for forum membership and didnt get any mail in return MUST re-apply. -The development of SpaceShuttleMissionSimulator 2 will continue. It has never stopped acually. It was what Alex had wanted. Dont ask when it will be finished, since its a complete overhaul of the graphics system. But we can reveal as much as a new ISS model is 95% finished and a new model for the space-shuttle is 100% finished. And its NOT the space shuttle thats is shown in the SSMS2 video preview. More news to come soon.
July 21 , 2011
SSMS2 new 3D flight deck sneak peeks
As Atlantis touched down at the KSC SLF, we released the first sneak peeks of the SSMS2 new flight deck. The SSMS2 flight deck features fully active 3D switches, buttons and knobs, adjustable panels backlighting and realistic lighting and shadowing. This is yet just another cool feature from the long list of features we plan to implement in SSMS2. Stay tuned for more announcements as work moves on.
July 21 , 2011
Last Shuttle Landing
Today was a very sad day for us at the SSMS R&D. The last Space Shuttle just landed for the last time. History is upon us as the latest and greatest NASA manned Space Program comes to an end. Today our hearts go to all those thousadns of families affected by the STS program closure. Many thousands of NASA and USA employees will be fired, retired or re-assigned, as NASA loses tens of thousands of years of man-experience, knowledge, dedication and loyalty. Today wowledge, dedication and loyalty. Today we are all NASA and USA.
While waiting with anticipation for NASA to show everybody how true manned Space Exploration is done, at this end we renew our pledge to keep the Space Shuttle Legacy flame burning by adding new features, new missions and new releases to our Space Shuttle Mission Simulator. We plan not to disappoint you.
July 8 , 2011
Last Shuttle Liftoff
Today was a very special day for us, at the SSMS RnD. The last Space Shuttle left Earth for the last time, and in 12 days it will come back home, again, for the last time.
May 16 , 2011
SSMS2 new MCC sneak peeks!
We have released today a series of pictures showing off the new 3D VR MCC which is one of the main new features of SSMS2. The new MCC will let you sit in "the trench" (the front row consoles in the MCC, seating in the Flight Dynamics Officer, Ground Control, Rendezvous, as well as in the coveted Flight Director and CAPCOM positions.
March 6 , 2011
SSMS2 new Alpha scheduled soon
Featuring more solid features and preparing the ground for the next additions.
December 2 , 2010>
Sneak peeks at the new SSMS2 engine revealed
See this link for a few in-game first sneak peeks showing off the new Earth engine and new graphic features in the early Alpha of the sim.
December 1, 2010
The Next version of the SSMS has been revealed at the NASA booth, I/ITSEC 2010
The next version of the Space Shuttle Mission Simulator has been revealed at the I/ITSEC 2010 show, at the NASA STEM booth today at 09:00 ET. The official name of the next version is:
Space Shuttle Mission Simulator 2
...the legacy continues...
Mr. Tim Gagnon was present at the unveiling of the official SSMS2 patch. Tim Gagnon of Titusville, Florida, is a graphic and portrait artist with a life-long passion for Space Exploration and has been designing patches for many STS missions and ISS expeditions - including for the upcoming STS-133. He also created the SSMS2 patch.
See full announcement