Author Topic: 2022-02-24  (Read 11585 times)


  • Commander
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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
« on: February 24, 2022, 09:20:30 PM »
Well, better show some sign of life I suppose.
There will be now teasing screenshots this time so you don't need to drool on your keyboard  :D.

Things that has been done is testing and testing and after that some more testing. And things is turning out to work very good actually. A beta is getting closer and closer!

Also, a "noob" mode has been added for the launch/entry/on-orbit parts that's not mission specific. That means you can press a button and all tasks will be performed. It will be added to missions to and hopefully make the sim useable even if your not a gung-ho SSM user like most you are. Of course no achievements will be possible in the noob mode, so sooner or later you need to do it yourself.

Right now communications is improved. After downloading about all communication files from the, painfully slow, Internet Archives NASA Audio collection our hands are full matching communications with actions in the sim. Its a labour of love as usual. But the result is much better then our old "performed" communications.

The real comms is not so strict as in SSM2007, and they use acronyms and expressions you seldom use in real life. The end result is very cool.
One "old" voice that will be kept so far is Roberts narrative launch speech.

Since we cant get OpenAL to compile with our old Borland stuff, we don't waste any more time for now. The old trusty Direct Sound fills the need quite well. Even if its deprecated.

So, all is fine at this end and work is going on as usual.

Until next time.


( Ok, cant resist. Here's a little screenshot anyway. USA and Sweden working together on STS-128. )
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -