Author Topic: A plea for some common sense  (Read 5483 times)


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A plea for some common sense
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:20:28 AM »
Just a small plea to those who think they have found a bug or need a question answering.

Check you have a repeatable bug - ie it happens over and over.
Search the boards properly to see if your question has already been answered.
Read the manual.

I know that might seem like a waste of time to some but no more than creating what are usually paranoid posts complaining that the software hasn't been tested properly etc etc. or starting a topic that has already been visited more times than I care to remember.

I just want to visit the boards and not see the same old s*** being posted again and again..

Getting really fed up with it ...


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Re: A plea for some common sense
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 02:27:37 AM »
Hear Hear, couldn't agree more.


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Re: A plea for some common sense
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 04:28:59 AM »
Becker07 I am sorry the post offended you as well as others. I did search the forum and found that others had the same issue. Although you may not consider it a bug, on my PC it doesn't work. By bringing this to light I was hoping to see if anyone might have a resolution to this issue. I posted a similar thread regarding a stuck solar max and two folks were kind enough to share a way to get it out of the payload bay mounting device. As far as repeating the mission, when I get a few hours I will try it again and you will be the first to know how it went ;) As far as my other remark about sts-26, I did repeat that one four times, all with the same outcome. It seems as though some people have legitimate gripes and have no tech support to call. I think that's the real issue here. We all paid for this software and by doing so we've paid for the right to complain and unfortunately this is the only place we can vent our frustrations. If you or anyone else takes exception to that, don't respond to the thread. We are all a community here and some folks seem to really jump on others unnecessarily. If you or anyone else has some insight into what the developers are doing to fix these issues (real or perceived) then please share them with the rest of us.



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Re: A plea for some common sense
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 09:26:46 PM »
It isnt a question of being offended. It's a question of wasting peoples time. Checked STS-26 - No problem - have you tried reinstalling the client from fresh? Maybe you should considering the amount of people who have completed STS-26 with no complaints.

Also you conducted a search, found others had the same problem, so you started a new post. Why not use the ones already made? As I said. It isnt about being offended it's about exercising some common sense.

You will get a hell of a lot more positive attention if you use the board sensibly than if you do not.

As for sharing any insider knowledge..... I have none. I read the boards thoroughly.

As to not responding. Illl exercise my right to respond to wasteful posting just as much as people have the right to make them in the first place.

Grow up.


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Re: A plea for some common sense
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 11:26:09 PM »
Dude you take all of this stuff way to seriously.

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« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 02:57:42 AM by Admin »