STS-1 completed!
(from T-1:50 as I should have)
Some personal highlights I wanted to share (in no particular order).
Perfecting shuttle attitude by manually adjusting after the GPC set attitude for the oncoming OMS burn (close but not perfect). Watching theyellow needles finally align perfectly after having wondered why they "did not seem to work" before.
Seeing every action reflected on the shuttle visually if you go to the outside view. Examples being seeing the MSE "spread out" before ignition so they don't collide, closing the umbilical doors on the underside of the shuttle, testing the hydraulics that drive the aerodynamic surfaces before reentry and many, MANY more...
Realizing the shuttle's attitude was truly independent (M50 coordinate system) of the earth's rotation so attitudes that did not -seem- to make sense when I made them for OMS burns actually allowed me to visually guess how far I was away from the OMS firing! (yes I'm aware of item 23 which is awesome too!)
Getting a temperature warning on the warning panel regarding the RMS port and realizing I was fixing it by turning on the heaters!
I could go on and on.. But I have been sleeping too little lately anyway so I'd better stop.
Last comment. TrackIR. Im using Freetrack with a DIY setup which cost me exactly 26 euro in components and works really well. It makes ssms into an even more immersive experience for very little money! Its making me look around much more then I ever did and you all know the view is pretty!
Well that's it for now. Happy flying!