Author Topic: Great Sim!  (Read 3556 times)


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Great Sim!
« on: January 04, 2008, 06:40:41 AM »
Just got hold of this sim after having played the original Virgin Shuttle Sim way back in the ninetees. Have been running trhough STS1 which I have now completed. Whilst there are a few very minor issues with this sim I have found the whole experience outstanding.

I had so many 'moments' during my first flight that these alone have made the sim worth while.

My first flight was marred by me landing on the wrong runway. The second attempt at landing went well, though Nasa would probably shoot me! Instead of following the cone down to final approach, I performed a standard landing circuit due to the angle that I had come in at in relation to the runway. Basically I ran parrallel to the runway on the downwind, made a turn to base, then made a final turn onto the runway heading for finals. Went very smoothly, though I have to say the shuttle flies like a brick!

Highlights for me were:
i. During takeoff when the tower gantries swung away. The point you know that this is going to happen.
ii. The initial floaty feeling as the rockets first kick in during takeoff. The part where the engines are initially taking the weight of the shuttle. This was only fleeting and before my brain could register the tower started to move swiftly out of view. This thing has got some power!
iii. The ascent itself. I was amazed at how quick this is. One 'minute' on earth, the next in space. Awesome.
iv. The view of earth out the windows, though I wish the earth was more detailed.
iv. Manually orientating the spacecraft for deorbit and rentry. Took a bit of time but I got it nailed. On the way down I was really hoping I had got it right as I had read many forum stories which suggest this is one of the more dangerous parts of the mission.
v. The gradual increase in the sounds of the airflow as one descends.
vi. The achievment of using the CRTs to position the shuttle for finals and then the stress of performing a good landing. Awesome.

This sim really makes you feel that you are there.

My wish list for additional features (for the next version):
i. Much more detailed earth. Framerates are pegged at 50, I'm sure we could squeeze in higher rez textures :)
ii. Internal dynamic lighting. I fly from the virtual pit, but the lighting looks flat. It would be great if it was dynamic and reflected what was going on outside! The same for the cargo bay - lets see dynamic shadows as the doors open!
iii. Fully clickable pit. Probably kill performance, but wouldn't it be cool!
iv. Full crew movement within the shuttle. The ability to move anywhere within the vehicle to explore. This would be very cool.
v. Some basic system faults to keep us on out toes.

Great sim! Worth every penny.
