Author Topic: Enjoy our board covering the NASA Space Shuttle real missions  (Read 14297 times)


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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
Enjoy our board covering the NASA Space Shuttle real missions
« on: October 10, 2007, 12:42:54 PM »
Hi all,

Cornwallus has came up with an excellent request for opening a place where we can all discuss the real NASA Space Shuttle missions.

So, if you have pieces of news, interesting information, pictures, ideas, comments, links etc. - please feel free to post them here.

Please refrain however form any kind of "political" controversies and "conspiration theories" regarding any of the NASA Space Shuttle Missions. There are quite a few of those boards around the Net and we do not feel the need to add to the mix.

Be professional and to the point - as you've all been on other forums.

And most of all - ENJOY!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 12:56:01 PM by Admin »
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -