Author Topic: After Grapple for STS-8  (Read 997 times)


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After Grapple for STS-8
« on: October 16, 2022, 01:21:28 AM »
Made a successful grapple, and everything looks normal. Clock is running, no NO-GO flag, but the sim never moves on to the next comm, which should be Comm 1116.  I even did the time skip for "hours" of sim time, and nothing happens.
Any suggestions?
STS-1, STS-8, STS-26, STS-27, STS-31, STS-32, STS-41C, STS-47, STS-51A, STS-88, STS-93, STS-96, STS-98, STS-99, STS-100, STS-103, STS-116, STS-117, STS-121, STS-122, STS-124, STS-125, ARES 1X Test