Author Topic: 2018-03-11  (Read 8160 times)


  • Commander
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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
« on: March 11, 2018, 05:07:54 PM »
Sorry for the late update!(As usual) :-\

Not much to say other then the launch and landing is almost 100% fixed when it comes to physics and looks. No snapping and visually fading texture overlays.
Work started in Februari to improve the graphics of KSC and EAFB, and thats were we are right now.
Except the annual flu attack that forced most people to bed for about a week things has worked out quite well.
As usual the graphics part is the big time-consumer and graphics fixes at launch and landing sites will probably take at least a couple of months more to finish.
All depending on our main workload.
We hope to be able to add some more screenshots of the new launch/landing sites soon.

Meanwhile, please have patience.

- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -