So I check in here every month or so for the last few years. Two years ago there were mentions of showing pictures, but I can't find them anywhere. Really? A video would be great but not even a picture? Please point out to me where they are if I am wrong. This is a very niche market and the developers will not retire off this game, maybe break even counting labor, so I completely understand that they will work on it only when day to day life permits. What I don't understand is the lack of communication from the developers.
This market is small but made up of hardcore simmers. I could understand the hesitation if they had presold games, like Star Citizen, but they haven't. A weekly email or even monthly email with pics or videos on a specific day that was always on time would be nice. Even if the news is bad news the core group will appreciate it and the trash talkers are still going to buy the game, be it next month, next year or 10 years. If the game is dead, it's not like there is any money to made off hyping it up (AKA Star Citizen). An active community would go along way in the mean time while we wait, but that rest in the hands of the developers. I know I'm buying regardless of when the release is. I hope this is taken as advice and not criticism. I appreciate the developers hard work in this small market. I think we all do.