I have one question about the CRT1 ON/OFF, CRT2 ON/OFF and CRT3 ON/OFF that you can found on the C3 Panel. On the "old" cockpit shuttle, those switch was used to turn off/on the 3 CRTs screens. I remember reading somewhere that we had to wait up to 60 seconds for the three CRTs turn on.
Now with the Glass Cockpit Next Gen, the 3 CRTs have been changed to 3 flat MDUs screens. And on each MDU, you have on the bottom left a ON/OFF switches.
Now my question, what is the difference between the 3 CRTs ON/OFF located on the C3 panel and the each ON/OFF switch located on each MDUs/MEDS screens ?
For me, it's the same, so why the 3 ON/OFF buttons still on the C3 panel ?
I see nothing about this on the SCOM manual.
Any ideas ?