Author Topic: Space Shuttle Mission 2007™ : New Mission Released – STS-100  (Read 5687 times)


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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
We are happy to release today a new Service/Mission Pack for the Space Shuttle Mission 2007 simulator.

The download includes the 104th Space Shuttle mission – STS-100 – during which the Endeavour crew installed Canadarm2 - the International Space Station Robotic Arm (SSRMS).  The download also adds new approach and landing communications.

Carried out by Endeavour on April 16 2001, STS-100 was a complex mission which tested the skill and patience of both the ISS and the Shuttle crews – the EVA team, Mission Specialists Chris Hadfield and Scott Parazynski, which unfolded and installed the SSRMS and the SSRMS and RMS operators: Expedition Two crew members Susan Helms and Jim Voss aboard the ISS, and Shuttle Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby who assisted the EVA crew,  and completed a series of complex manipulations of Raffaello cargo module and handovers of the Shuttle carrier pallet.
During STS-100, Chris Hadfield became the first Canadian to perform an EVA.

STS-100 was an extremely successful mission which brought the ISS closer to completion and, with the installation of the SSRMS Canadarm2, extended the autonomy, building and maintenance capabilities of the ISS.

This mission will test your RMS skills to the max due to the fact that most of the actions are performed near or at the RMS range limits.

Have fun (and lots of patience),
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -