Author Topic: Using Rudder pedals and Thrustmaster stick and throttle  (Read 2775 times)


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Using Rudder pedals and Thrustmaster stick and throttle
« on: May 24, 2018, 06:27:59 PM »
I love the game but have not played in a few years since I got my first Thrusmaster stick throttle and Rudder pedals because I am unable to assigne them properly. Stick works but Rudder pedals do not and nor does throttle. They all do somthing in the game but not thier proper assignments and as far as I can tell you cannot assign axis and or buttons in the game menue. Anyone have better luck? Or a work around?


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Re: Using Rudder pedals and Thrustmaster stick and throttle
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2018, 09:03:29 PM »
Hi grant977.  I too had problems getting my Thrustmaster stick, throttle, and pedals to work correctly.  I finally figured out a work around after a lot of trial and error.  I documented what I did in the post linked below.  Hope it helps. If you need any more help let me know.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2022, 09:32:14 PM by Admin »
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