Vinny, don't get too excited. Because this sentence:
Add to all the above the tons of new "things" that we have in store: more and surprising missions, new comunications, improved mathematical models, etc. and you'll become very realistic about the chances of seeing SSMS2 on the shelves this Christmas.
is another way of saying "You're a dreamer if you really believe SSMS2 will be out this Christmas."
Don't take me wrong, guys: I really don't mind waiting a bit longer for a new version, as long as it will offer more than just "eye candy", compared to the current version. E.g. I hope for additional realistic simulation of spacecraft systems, failure modes, aborts, etc. and maybe the old-style, pre-MEDS cockpit with analog instruments for the older missions.
And it would be really cool, if we could just use the real NASA checklists, at least for ascent, post insertion, deorbit, entry and shutdown procedures, maybe with some points, concerning systems which are not simulated, to be left out, but at least with the right sequence of events. Right now, in SSM07 the sequence of some procedures is quite different to the sequence in the original NASA checklists.
By christmas, the new version will be delayed for almost 3 years (it used to be called SSM2010 at first, remember?). So, what's another few months or even a year, if in the end we get a well made simulation, offering additional gameplay and more fun than the current one.
There have been too many examples of buggy software thrown on the market too fast, just to meet some deadline. I think, it is disrespectful of the paying customer and user. I am sure, nobody wants this experience with SSMS2: not the users, not the publisher and certainly not the developers.
I'd rather get a well developed product for my money, and I am sure that most people here think the same way.
So, developers: Please, take your time. SSMS2 will be ready when it's ready. Until then, SSM07 still offers a lot of fun.
BTW: After Virgin Games' "Shuttle", which I still consider the "mother" of realistic spaceflight simulators and a benchmark in its time, came out, I waited for over 15 years until a much improved and better new generation of Space Shuttle simulator came out in the form of SSM07. So, I don't mind waiting a few more months than expected to see the next generation, especially if the step is going to be almost as big as from "Shuttle" to SSM07.
So, I think we should just be a little bit patient and see what happens...
(But some news or info about the features of SSMS2 once in a while would be really nice anyway.