Author Topic: Commanding STS-128-Finally After Three Attempts  (Read 3628 times)


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Commanding STS-128-Finally After Three Attempts
« on: November 22, 2009, 12:52:03 PM »
Man!, after almost a month of getting service pack 4.10, tonight I finally got the chance to launch STS-128. First launch atempt brother wanted to go to sleep in living room, I was tired-launch scrubbed! :( Second attempt, didn't have time because of school tommorow, I wanted to do a synced launch when the real STS-128 launched-launched scrubbed! :( The third attempt was successful, launched at 12:00:37 p.m eastern time on November 22, 2009 ;D, hiped up on coffee, at least 3 or four cups with Coffee Mate Pumpkin Spice and a banana-I didn't eat dinner :P. Today, spent the whole rest of my daytime cleaning and, dusting, and reorganizing my computer desk, just for this occassion. :)

Well, My first day in orbit went just great, smooth launch, smooth OMS 1 and OMS 2 burn, and successful RMS activation. 8) Man!, I'm still hiped on coffee-I had a four hour nap from around 5 p.m. and woke up at 9:00 p.m. ::) My mother at Disney, and my dad and brother fishing-oh, they just got back about an hour or two ago. I'm so far loving the new service pack (4.10). I 'll see what mission is up next! ;)


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Re: Commanding STS-128-Finally After Three Attempts
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 11:13:20 PM »
Well, I finally inspected the Shuttles heat sheild, and rendezvoused, RPM. Then I finally installed Leonardo MPLM onto Harmony and completed EVA 1. Froohf! ;)


  • Shuttle Pilot
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Re: Commanding STS-128-Finally After Three Attempts
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 01:40:27 AM »
I finally deorbited, reentered and landed Discovery at Edwards AFB. It was a nice day for landing the shuttle. I tried comparing my landing to how Charlie Hobaugh landed Atlantis.