My real name is Scott, and I would like to share my story at how SSM07 is helping me mentally. Back in 96 I was diagnosed as Bi-polar ultra rapid, with OCD and many other things. I served in the USAF prior to being diagnosed. I served in desert storm and shield and other actions. I have to try to be stress free and I rarely leave my home as I get angery very fast and rage has to be an issue with me. Some thimes my brain gets away from me with racing thoughts and I get lost or confused at what I am doing. With this said SSM07 has been very therapeutic for me, it not your ordinary sim. When I am playing it I find myslef relaxing and my thoughts slow down. There is one other quality to the sim that I think people dont think of and that theres a background noise that is a white noise. Its very calming and relaxing, I want to thank the SSM07 crew for the sim. There are times I get so upset and my thoughts get away from me I go to the sim and play. When I am done I can go back to my regular day to day life. I Used to have to go to the hospital and have a short stay over night with thoughts of... well I am ashamed to say. But its been along time since I have had to run to the hospital, and I have been able to resume a more regular life because of the SSM07. Before it was just meds, now its meds and SSM07. For the first time me and my wife went to see a movie call Rango. So SSM07 can be good for the brain, Thank you.