Man!, after almost a month of getting service pack 4.10, tonight I finally got the chance to launch STS-128. First launch atempt brother wanted to go to sleep in living room, I was tired-launch scrubbed!
Second attempt, didn't have time because of school tommorow, I wanted to do a synced launch when the real STS-128 launched-launched scrubbed!
The third attempt was successful, launched at 12:00:37 p.m eastern time on November 22, 2009
, hiped up on coffee, at least 3 or four cups with Coffee Mate Pumpkin Spice and a banana-I didn't eat dinner
. Today, spent the whole rest of my daytime cleaning and, dusting, and reorganizing my computer desk, just for this occassion.
Well, My first day in orbit went just great, smooth launch, smooth OMS 1 and OMS 2 burn, and successful RMS activation.
Man!, I'm still hiped on coffee-I had a four hour nap from around 5 p.m. and woke up at 9:00 p.m.
My mother at Disney, and my dad and brother fishing-oh, they just got back about an hour or two ago. I'm so far loving the new service pack (4.10). I 'll see what mission is up next!