I was home on leave that cold January back in 1986...just got up that morning to catch what I thought would be a routine run of the World News...I can still remember the icy chill that went down my back as I witnessed this horrific disaster. My eyes went as big as dinner plates and the first words out of my mouth were "Holy *bleep*"!!!
Seven of America's Best...May God Bless Them All.
Challenger is my favorite shuttle. Endevour comes in at second. If only Challenger could have been fitted with that docking adapter just once, I would be happy
I was 7 years old, as the Challenger explodes... it was a shock for me... I had a gigant Poster of the Challenger on my betroom door, because, I always wanted to be an astornaut.
May their souls rest in a better place...
I wasn't even alive so I can't say I remember that day but it was a shame.
Rest In Peace Challenger and her crew.
Bump for the Anniversary. :'(
RIP Challenger and her crew.
Sorry, Admin, if this isn't allowed.
Last year, we here at Max-Q Entertainment produced an absolutely stunning tribute to not only STS-51L, but also Apollo 1 and STS-107. As we are so close to these tragic anniversaries, we would like to present our tribute to you here at Space Shuttle Mission.
New Days Will Rise - Tribute to Apollo 1, STS-51L, and STS-107 (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=11622.0)
We will never forget those who have passed while making our country better.
I watched that on NSF. It was a great tribute. I didn't want to post it without permission from Max-Q so thanks Steven for doing it correctly. :)
It is a great thing to have here. ;D
Nice video. I was 6 years old when Challenger took off for the last time. I remember watching it in school. What a shame.
Today, (1/28/09) everyone, is the 23 year anniversary of the challenger disaster.
RIP Challenger
Brings me in tears,a nd please have some tissues you'll need them god speed challenger!
Slide show of the Jan 28, 1986 Space Shuttle disaster with musical selections by the group Mister Mister - "Kyrie (Eleison)" & "Broken Wings".
These two Mister Mister songs have always been linked in my mind to this tragic event in our nations history. "Kyrie Eleison" from the catholic mass "Lord have mercy" and has a line asking all of us...
will we follow? Many have and will continue to follow the example that these brave individuals at NASA have set for all of us.
No where is the human spirit of discovery creativity, and exploration more alive than in our space program.
Thanks for watching.
Unfortunately, I was a witness to this disaster -- real-time with my MK-1 Eyeball... I was on the ramp (at Patrick AFB) watching it when it took off and then I stood there for 45 mins watching the pieces of debris falling down to the Atlantic.... never, never forget that day...
As a guitarist (in a band at that time), I took my electric out on to the balcony and cranked-up 130 Watts RMS and played a Jimmy Hendrix styled version of the Star Spangled Banner in their honor...
ehh I would have cried if I had even seen it live on T.V. I did see STS-107 on T.V. I will never forget it but I was only 7 so it is vague and I didn't understand it but it was when my space addiction was starting up so I made sure to see it but sadly won't forget it. :(
Many people have cried when that happened... even this one shed a tear or two...
I definitely shed a few. Saw it live on tv. Horrible tragedy, they both were. ???
I was 39 years old when the Challenger perished. I remember, the launch was postponed several times. I tried to watch it every single time (I had cable with NASA channel already).
But on the tragic day I had to perform an emergency surgery, just when the launch was scheduled.
As I came out from the operating room, I rushed to the doctor's lounge hoping for replays. The number of people in the lounge was already a surprise. It was packed with other doctors, nurses, employs, all staring the TV screen. When I came in, somebody remarked "Dr. L, the Challenger exploded".
First, it just passed through my mind as an impossibility. The person perhaps misunderstood it, something may have happened which he thought it was an explosion, I simply could not believe the statement. But within seconds the TV replayed what happened and I saw what we all saw. I still didn't believe it. Yes, it look like something bad happened, but......I couldn't find a logical alternative, but I still didn't believe it. Then I heard the voice announcement that the "Challenger exploded".
At this point my disbelief started to break up slowly. "Yes, perhaps it did", but I still found it impossible that the astronauts would have died. I was waiting for some announcement that "here and here they were picked up by such and such ship and they are fine".
I stayed there for I don't remember how long, all I remember that I was glued to the TV set and I was waiting for the "good news". It didn't come. It still took about a full day until my mind was able to accept that indeed this was a true tragedy, despite all the related announcements.
I was living in Centerville, Tennessee at that time, I was 13 years old and had a big cast on my right foot. Mom and I were headed to open up the pro-shop at the golf course my parents ran. Dad and his golf buddies were at a course about 30 minutes away when it happened.
Mom and I were in a loaned sky-blue 82 Mustang, dad had taken the van and one of his buddies let us use his car while they were gone. Mom and I had been talking about the upcoming test in math I had, and I turned on the radio and the announcer came on the air. I still remember his exact words..."From reports we have received the space shuttle Challenger has apparently exploded about one minute into its launch." My eyes went wide as dinner plates and so did Mom's. We were just passing the first green on the course, and she floored the rather anemic 302. We got into the shop and flipped the TV on and tuned in CNN.
The rest of the day is a blur, except for John Holloman's attempts to stop the wild speculation that was occurring on the broadcast networks, and that damn fireball they kept playing over and over ad nauseum.
I must have cried for 4 hours that night...after the impact had finally settled in.
24 years today, RIP :'(
God speed Challenger. :'(
Yes, this is a sad week indeed for NASA - the losses of Apollo I, Challenger and Columbia happened all during the last week of January and first week of February.
May their sacrifice be remembered.
24 years later, it shows the weaknesses of the space shuttle program. A machine of incredible complexity that does not forgive weakness.
A thought to Judith Resnik and the whole crew... I was 6, and I'll remember that tragic day all my life.
Godspeed Challenger.
Godspeed the Crew of Apollo 1, STS-51-L and STS-107
Yes god speed to all the crews I still remember Regan's speech.
a rough week for nasa plus the announced the death of the moon mission.
It was a Desaster.
For the NASA and the Spaceflight missions everywehre.
I will never forget about that.
I was in my early 20's @ work (ice cream factory) when she had launched, then disaster. Didn't know about it til getting home in the afternoon (no tv/radios allowed). After hearing the "rumors" on the ride home (bus), of course like all, didn't want to believe it. Hit the local news (interest was big time due to Christa here in N.E.). Didn't take less than 30 sec. when the video showing the launch & accident. Broke out an tape wanting to document all I could (for remembrance/history purposes). Still have them (getting a bit dated, so to speak) & replay them every year. Rerecorded them to DVD. Please don't take this as being morbid, its just my way of remembrance to the Challenger (Do the same for 9/11 as well).
After a couple of mos had past, had sent a request to NASA asking for a couple of pics of the Challenger on liftoff that day, as well as other images (before internet) for model making. Received a few & have 1 still in frame w/ mission patch (liftoff) for my tribute.
Still wipe a tear or two. Don't want to get political here but dam you Ray Gun & Bush. Nuf Said.
Live on Challenger
Quote from: robm61071 on July 17, 2010, 02:20:18 AM
...<SNIP>... Don't want to get political here but dam you Ray Gun & Bush....
You may want to read "Riding Rockets" by Astronaut Mike Mullane to understand the almost unbelievable NASA mismanagement that inevitably led to this catastrophe. No Ray Gun or Bush I'm afraid...
I would also highly recommend the book "Truth, Lies, and O-Rings" by Allan J. McDonald.
This is a real eye-opener about the mismanagement and bad decisions that led to the accident, as well as the cover-ups and attempts to hide the truth after the accident.
(McDonald was one of the leading engineers at Morton Thiokol, which was the company that built the SRBs. He was one of the very few people who always stood by the truth and had the guts to stand up against the cover-up attempts of the managers of the company he worked for.)
Sorry, but are there any books in german aviable ? ???
Quote from: Spacewalker on July 17, 2010, 01:19:20 PM
I would also highly recommend the book "Truth, Lies, and O-Rings" by Allan J. McDonald.
This is a real eye-opener about the mismanagement and bad decisions that led to the accident, as well as the cover-ups and attempts to hide the truth after the accident.
(McDonald was one of the leading engineers at Morton Thiokol, which was the company that built the SRBs. He was one of the very few people who always stood by the truth and had the guts to stand up against the cover-up attempts of the managers of the company he worked for.)
Yeah, I saw him (Either that, or it was another gutsy Morton Thiokol engineer) in a documentary about Challenger.
Tuesday, 28th January 1986. Just two days before my 14th birthday. I was at home, in my room. Played something. My TV was on, but i had switched off the audio. Looked up to the news and saw the strange trail of smoke...i immidiately realized that something happened to Challenger. Thought about the German "D1" Mission a year before. Challenger, like Columbia, was my favourite shuttle. A sad day.... :-\
I remember the day very well. I was also 13 at the time and although it was a school day our teacher was a space flight enthusiast and had arranged to have a TV in the classroom. It was not usual to do this, but the "Teacher in Space" program had him particularly excited. So unlike most kids my age I did get to see it live.
However, that isn't what I remember most. Shortly after the event Expo 86 opened up in my hometown of Vancouver BC, Canada. The US exhibit for the expo was long since planned and built as a tribute to NASA, largely centered of the Shuttle Program. In the midst of this massive fairground atmosphere there were thousands of people solemnly filing through the USA Pavilion almost as though it were a public memorial. Around that building was the one quiet spot on the grounds. The expo went on until October 86 and that mood never changed. It certainly gave me a lasting memory of the feelings I had at the time.
USA Pavilion - EXPO 86 (http://bobbea.com/expo-86/usa.html)
Remembering Challenger... January 28, 1986...T:00:00:76...
yes, a bad a sad anniversary ... It's not after 73 seconds after liftoff?
RIP on this sad anniversary still in our thoughts.
Howdy All. In an earlier post of 51-L, I still hold onto my convictions (political-especially now given that corps are more & more becoming the "new space race". I (personally can't take much pride w/ Space X over NASA-sorry but that's where my patriotism stands but this is not about ones stance on things). Found an nice site on Ebay (not posting link due to admins possible issues so have to find for 1's self if interested) but has an nice set up of the launch & places an label stating "Remembrance Day". Size is an 11x17. Have place my mission patch along inside frame. Am working w/ seller for an Columbia Remembrance Day set w/ mission patch. Now what to do w/ my auto. Star Wars & V (the TV movie series-1980's) pics (hehehe).
You can add Both Missions in SSMS for a Tribute?
RIP Challenger 1983-1986
RIP Columbia 1981-2003
If they did, there shouldnt be the explosion or burn up in them, instead they should complete their mission without the anomalies in them. It would be interesting seeing STS 51-L completing each objective (especially the televised lesson part) but alas, they probably will avoid this to stop any contriversies. :-\