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Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Wide screen/VR
« Last post by sniperpr1 on March 12, 2021, 06:09:53 PM »
I installed the version 5.31 patch, but it changed from wide screen to narrow screen. Can any one tell me how to take it back to wide screen? Also, can you use VR with it?

Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Re: Updates??
« Last post by Admin on March 12, 2021, 03:40:30 PM »
Hi there!

I hope you had the main program already installed. It can be downloaded at the PURCHASE page. Also, check that the patch installer points to the correct install directory, in case its not the default directory.

If nothing of this helps, let us know what error message you get during installation.


Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Updates??
« Last post by sniperpr1 on March 12, 2021, 05:43:30 AM »
I went to the downloads area and downloaded the only update I saw there. however, I tried to install it and the installation failed. Is there some place to find the previous updates? Does anyone know how to install the update and why it fails??

Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Re: Newcomers, please log in here :)
« Last post by Inkwatpuh on February 25, 2021, 05:30:53 AM »
Hey guys,
I've been playing this sim for about a month or two now and have been lurking around here for that time too, but finally decided to join up. I've been flying the missions pretty successfully in order and I'm on STS-100 now. I downloaded those checklists and, save for the first couple, been playing on the higher difficulty except EVAs (I struggle finding the right spots). It's been a fantastic sim so far with the issues I've had been my fault and fixed by a search here (except the disappearing pallet issue I'm currently having on STS-100, but I'm gonna start over and see if it happens again). Anyway, glad to be here and I'm excited to see the growth of the sim!
General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Medicmodeler10 on January 02, 2021, 04:53:04 PM »
Thanks for the end of year update. The pics look awesome. Looking forward to your work in 2021!
General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Pappolus on January 01, 2021, 04:32:08 AM »
Thanks for the update Admin, but because of you I've made a mess of my desk, so much I was drooling over those screenshots :P It really looks so much detailed and realistic, it shows the huge amount of work that went into it. Sorry to hear Covid caught you, but glad to hear you got away with it. Can't wait for what the future has in storage for this sim, it looks promising. I take the occasion to wish once more a happy(er) and healthy(er) 2021 to everyone here, cheers ;D

Pappolus 8)
Latest News / 2020-12-31
« Last post by Admin on December 31, 2020, 08:47:38 PM »
Another year has passed. A year most of us will consider as lost because of the corona pandemic.
Got it myself and lost about 6 weeks of my life. But I consider myself lucky compared to other cases.

Anyway, all year has been spent on finishing launchpad A. It was a really bad idea to start fine tuning the graphics before the main sim is finished. Especially if youre a peaky moron like the guys over here :P.
But now we can put all this behind us. At least until its time for pad B ;D. But much stuff can be reused anyway.
So all we can provide here for the moment is some screenshots of pad A that you can drool over.
As usual no post production effects are used on the images and no 3D improvements is used during rendering. No anti aliasing and other "cheats".

It will be nice to start with the actual sim after this. To move things forward.
But the first priority will be to fix this crappy website and remove all flash player stuff.
After going thru all missions and add a new sound system, this baby could finally be ready for beta testing. Somewhere close to summer, depending on workload.

Hope this calms all fans fo the moment. We really appreciate all support and patience we got from all you users over all these years.

Finally, I wish you all a corona free HAPPY NEW YEAR. :-* :P

Here some images of the close-to-final pad A.

General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Pappolus on December 30, 2020, 04:30:50 AM »
Hello everyone. Would it be possible to have an end-of-the-year update, or maybe, being a bit cheeky here, some sort of "New Year's resolutions", for how things currently stand? At least to wrap up this nasty 2020 on a positive note. I hope it will be, but otherwise, wishing everyone a happy 2021 or at least better than what 2020 was (shouldn't be too difficult), maybe it will bring us a very welcome and long awaited surprise ;D

Pappolus 8)
Real NASA Space Shuttle Missions / Re: Going to the moon
« Last post by Forrest White on December 15, 2020, 07:20:20 PM »
SpaceX has hidden the producing Dragon spacecraft for 18 months, maybe the preparation stages for a mission back to Moon are also hidden to be ready to 2024 without empty promises as always.
Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Re: Goodbye Space Shuttle
« Last post by Forrest White on December 15, 2020, 07:16:04 PM »
Everything comes to the end soon or later. The shuttle mission created the road for space exploration development.  This leads to the first in space history cargo spacecraft and reusable manned rockets made by SpaceX.NASA awards commercial companies thus encouraging them to proceed in the space colonization process.
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