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Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Re: Can't figure out how to use arm in STS-8
« Last post by Zac on March 15, 2022, 08:11:26 AM »
Thank you for the information!

How do you move the arm without a joystick?
In regards to the first part of the question, other than the monitor, have you also turned on the cameras? If not, use the switches at the top of panel A7U where it says "Camera Power". As for the RMS camera, if you want to switch between the Elbow camera and the End Effector camera, use the bottom right switch located on the Payload Bay Flood lights section of the aforementioned panel.

As for the second part of the question, I don't use a joystick, so I'm not really able to help you, sorry :(
Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Can't figure out how to use arm in STS-8
« Last post by Zac on March 14, 2022, 11:06:26 AM »
So I'm at a point where I'm supposed to use the robotic arm to get a satellite out of the cargo bay. It says to turn on the monitor but when I do its only black.
Also when I got external view and move my joystick up and down it looks like the end of the arm is moving a little bit but only that part.
Space Shuttle Mission Simulator (tm) / Game crashes when trying to save during mission
« Last post by Zac on March 14, 2022, 10:31:22 AM »
Twice I've tried to save during sts-8 and the game freezes and crashes, is there a fix for this? I keep having to re start.

General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Pappolus on February 26, 2022, 02:09:49 AM »
Yeah, very nice update you gave us. The details you introduced us to with this "Latest News" entry are very welcome based on my likings, like, if I understood correctly, real life communications and the greater amount of detail on EVA suits: we went from a couple of "snowmen" with a tiny flag and a red stripe in SSMS07 to properly textured astronauts. Details like these are what adds another level of realism to a sim that I'm sure will be excellent. Talking about details, I remember from the previous game the reflections on the EVA helmet visors being "fake", will they be "realistic" this time, as in be a reflection depending on what actually is inside the FOV at that time? Regardless, I can't wait to try it when it'll be available. Thanks for the update and keep it up :)

Pappolus 8)
General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Medicmodeler10 on February 25, 2022, 10:19:21 PM »
Thanks for the February update. The screenshots from the SSMS2 vs the original, are in my opinion, night and day. Loving it.
Latest News / 2022-02-24
« Last post by Admin on February 24, 2022, 09:20:30 PM »
Well, better show some sign of life I suppose.
There will be now teasing screenshots this time so you don't need to drool on your keyboard  :D.

Things that has been done is testing and testing and after that some more testing. And things is turning out to work very good actually. A beta is getting closer and closer!

Also, a "noob" mode has been added for the launch/entry/on-orbit parts that's not mission specific. That means you can press a button and all tasks will be performed. It will be added to missions to and hopefully make the sim useable even if your not a gung-ho SSM user like most you are. Of course no achievements will be possible in the noob mode, so sooner or later you need to do it yourself.

Right now communications is improved. After downloading about all communication files from the, painfully slow, Internet Archives NASA Audio collection our hands are full matching communications with actions in the sim. Its a labour of love as usual. But the result is much better then our old "performed" communications.

The real comms is not so strict as in SSM2007, and they use acronyms and expressions you seldom use in real life. The end result is very cool.
One "old" voice that will be kept so far is Roberts narrative launch speech.

Since we cant get OpenAL to compile with our old Borland stuff, we don't waste any more time for now. The old trusty Direct Sound fills the need quite well. Even if its deprecated.

So, all is fine at this end and work is going on as usual.

Until next time.


( Ok, cant resist. Here's a little screenshot anyway. USA and Sweden working together on STS-128. )
Dear Admin!

Has been a while, since i posted something here.

If youd want to, i could test ssm2007 on an IMAC 29 2019 i9-CPU with Radeon Pro 580X and windows 11.

General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Medicmodeler10 on October 02, 2021, 03:56:34 AM »
Yes, once again, thank you. Things are looking great!
General discussion / Re: SSMS2 ?
« Last post by Pappolus on September 27, 2021, 04:45:18 AM »
Thanks for the update and for "shedding some light" on the progresses made :P Those screenshots look great, can't wait for it  8)
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