Author Topic: How to make in-game SSM2007 movies  (Read 17763 times)


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How to make in-game SSM2007 movies
« on: January 01, 2008, 04:21:50 PM »
Hi all,

If you want to make movies and post them you should use a screen capture program  - we can recommend today FRAPS.

FRAPS is a great tool HOWEVER, it tends to be a bit heavy on resources and if you don't have a strong PC you may reduce the simulator frame rate to an unsuitably low value. Please also note that FRAPS creates very big files too so make sure you have plenty of free Hard Disk space!

After you shot and edited your movie (the free Windows Movie Maker is a great novice tool), make sure that you convert it to a suitable standard format and upload it to YouTube. You will get a link. Post that link here :)

UPDATE #1: Here is a tip from "rokushakubo":

"I used the unregistered version of FRAPS, with the option set to capture at half-size, 25fps, then put the clips into Windows Movie Maker, joined them together, added some transitions and titles, then saved the movie file as "Video for broadband (340 Kbps)" (320x240px, 25fps, 340Kbps) .wmv format and uploaded that to YouTube."

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu "rokushakubo" Gareth Sama!

UPDATE #2: Here are a few tips from JaggyRoads Studio, the makers of the SSM2007 Official Trailer. Watch the Vlog (Video Blog) of the owner of JaggyRoads studio introducing his work and moving on with tips:


Have fun Directors!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 07:11:06 PM by Admin »
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