Hi, I use SSM2007 on my laptop and - as already written - my fps range from 30 to 50, of course during launch it's around 30/32.
Now, during launch I've noticed I've the better fps and simulation speed (arouond 85% or normal time flowing) if I stay with the internal virtual view (commander or pilot in particular) ; if I stay on the outside view the speed of the simulation goes very slow, almost half real time (it's enough to pay attention at the seconds running on the upper right corner...).
Also, in orbit I can have between 35 to 50 fps and I see the real time flowing quite close to "real seconds" flowing.
So, my modest deduction is that the time flowing depends of course by the fps you're having in your pc in any particular moment, BUT not complitely if you pay attention. I mean, of course as lower it is our fps as lower the time flows, but sometimes even with 40/45 fps I see my seconds lasting little more than one second ...
...also during launch , the speaker voice it's not sincronized with the event running, in partitcular while SSME startup. ..
.. I hope this may be solved some way ... and soon