Author Topic: Sim speed: what are you getting?  (Read 11677 times)


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Sim speed: what are you getting?
« on: January 18, 2008, 05:13:35 AM »
Since the beginning I was concerned about the "slow motion playing" of SSM even at low graphic settings on my PC (despite a decent framerate of 30fps or more).
I was told by Admin the reason lies in my "low" system specs, but now I have been watching some of the videos posted by different users and looking at your MET running very slow it looks like you also have the same issue...

Question is: have you guys edited the videos at half speed or your sim aswell runs slow???

« Last Edit: January 18, 2008, 05:15:06 AM by wolf68 »


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2008, 02:18:33 PM »
Question is: have you guys edited the videos at half speed or your sim aswell runs slow???

This also for everybody else: what is your performance in the different phases (launch, on orbit, reentry, landing) as far as timeflow is concerned?


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2008, 05:41:10 PM »
I dont have a problem with speed, 39 frames at launch and 50 in orbit. only using a 7600gt card. All settings are to the max......


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2008, 07:08:49 PM »
Code: [Select]
39 frames at launch and 50 in orbit. only using a 7600gt card
Approximately the same for me with a 8600GS.


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2008, 07:25:24 PM »
Always 50FPS! (8800GTX  ;D )


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2008, 09:24:34 PM »
40-50fps and no problems


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 09:29:27 PM »
Between 30 to 45/50 Fps (It's on a Laptop  :-\), no problems except during launch where if I put the external view the audio of the speaker arrives few secs too early than the liftoff. From the inside it's acceptable and not delayed. For the rest is ok.


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 08:54:28 PM »
Since the beginning I was concerned about the "slow motion playing" of SSM even at low graphic settings on my PC (despite a decent framerate of 30fps or more).
I was told by Admin the reason lies in my "low" system specs, but now I have been watching some of the videos posted by different users and looking at your MET running very slow it looks like you also have the same issue...

Question is: have you guys edited the videos at half speed or your sim aswell runs slow???

Im not an expert in video production here, but I think the video software takes quite a bit of resources so you will definitely have a drop in FPS while making the video.
I have an 256MB ATI Radeon X850, P4 3.8 GHz , 2 GB RAM.
It only goes below 50fps when I backup the harddrive while playing SSM ;D


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2008, 09:15:02 PM »
I get around 25 FPS durring launch 40-50 durring orbit when messing around with the RMS in external view and messing around with a payload or a satelite my FPS are always around 15-40. When I close the cargo bay doors the FPS go to 50 FPS for the rest of the mission. Hoped this helped. ;D


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2008, 09:56:42 AM »
Thanks to all of you for your kind replies, but maybe my question was misleading: I was not referring to framerate (I also usually get more than 30fps except for launch) but to timeflow. Sim speed on my PC is for some reason slower, in some cases almost half the realtime speed.
Again checking your videos I have noticed your Mission Elapsed Time progressing very slowly aswell.
It is like you were going "slow motion" and this is exactly the same weird thing I get.
Does anyone of you have any idea why that happens? Is this a bug or it has to do with system specs?
And if you have the same issue, were you able to fix it or not?


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2008, 02:06:35 PM »
Hi, I use SSM2007 on my laptop and - as already written - my fps range from 30 to 50, of course during launch it's around 30/32.

Now, during launch I've noticed I've the better fps and simulation speed (arouond 85% or normal time flowing) if I stay with the internal virtual view (commander or pilot in particular) ; if I stay on the outside view the speed of the simulation goes very slow, almost half real time (it's enough to pay attention at the seconds running on the upper right corner...).

Also, in orbit I can have between 35 to 50 fps and I see the real time flowing quite close to "real seconds" flowing.

So, my modest deduction is that the time flowing depends of course by the fps you're having in your pc in any particular moment, BUT not complitely if you pay attention. I mean, of course as lower it is our fps as lower the time flows, but sometimes even with 40/45 fps I see my seconds lasting little more than one second ...

...also during launch , the speaker voice it's not sincronized with the event running, in partitcular while SSME startup. ..

.. I hope this may be solved some way ... and soon :-\



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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2008, 05:09:23 PM »
Well if there's a link between framerates and proper timeflow in SSM I wonder why  :-[
On my PC I can run FS9 ,FSX and other demanding games quite well and only with all the video effects set at high I get low fps but never a drop in timeflow(this also implies that I never get asyncronous sound on those sims while it does happen with SSM).

I am not a sw expert at all but it seems to me there's something in SSM that kills timeflow and from what you guys have reported it does it even when your fps are high.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 05:11:45 PM by wolf68 »


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 12:49:52 AM »
Throwing my 2 cents worth into the pot. I have a P4 3 GH PROCESSOR WITH 1 mb RAM and ATI 9550 256MB video card. While insade the panels, my fps stays at 49-50, but going outside, specially during launch, they drop down to 11-14 and the clock gets very slow. My resolution is 1024X768 32bit color

Can anyone point out, with accuracy, where my problem lies? Is it lack of RAM?
a slow video processor. I like to watch the launch from the outside. I share the sentiment that I can run FSX with good graphics, but can't run SSM2007 appropriately
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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 09:13:37 PM »
Throwing my 2 cents worth into the pot. I have a P4 3 GH PROCESSOR WITH 1 mb RAM and ATI 9550 256MB video card. While insade the panels, my fps stays at 49-50, but going outside, specially during launch, they drop down to 11-14 and the clock gets very slow. My resolution is 1024X768 32bit color

Can anyone point out, with accuracy, where my problem lies? Is it lack of RAM?
a slow video processor. I like to watch the launch from the outside. I share the sentiment that I can run FSX with good graphics, but can't run SSM2007 appropriately

Accurate enough?  ::)


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Re: Sim speed: what are you getting?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2008, 08:36:42 PM »
I was having exactly the same problems with what appeared to be a reduced simulation rate in comparison to real time, so I upgraded my computer from an AMD Athlon 2400, 1GB Memory and GeForce 6600 to an AMD Dual Core 2200 (4200+), 2GB Memory and a GeForce 8500GT...for this game specifically.  However I still found problems with the simulation clock in comparison to real time.  This ranged from 1 minute of real time equating to between 1min 30sec and 3min within the simulation and my frame rates liked to hang around the 31 range (Obviously dropping during take off) regardless what view I was in.  For some reason it would never go above 31. 
However to my complete amazement, I discovered by sheer fluke that if I run another process such as playing music in WMP or even launching internet explorer and going to a home page of some sort, my frame rates shoot up to 50!! Obviously they fluctuate during demanding views and sequences, but the simulation clock and real time run almost exact.  My only conclusion is that it has something to do with the Dual Core Processor running more than one application.  I find this very strange indeed but I’m not complaining!  Can anyone explain this?

