Author Topic: complaints?  (Read 10346 times)


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« on: January 03, 2008, 02:12:13 AM »
NASA said the Space Shuttle is the most complicated Flying Machine ever build so far.
Now, a bunch of enthusiasts put a lot of effort in this sim called SSM2007 and the first goal was to simulate as close as possible the systems of this remarkable machine for a modern PC. This needs truly some effort! And if you DARE a closer look, you will find out, that it really does what it was made for. Look at all those CRT's and find out what it means.
The software is released and some newborn Astronauts try it and find out, that the shuttle is not doing what it is supposed to and complain heavily here in the forum. I suppose that if you put the same displeased users into the real simulator they will encounter a similar situation. Why does it take some years to train pilots to fly the shuttle? Maybe because it's not easy?
The team of SSM2007 tried a balancing act between the real (very complex) thing and a simulation that is usable for those that are interested in spaceflight. BUT it is still a little complex and takes some time before you are coming close to perfection.  Impatience won't help.
This first release is of course not bugfree. Have you ever seen a piece of software that is? Any flightsim (of this complexity)? The team said it is working on a patch that will cure most discussed issues in a relativley short time. I think nobody in this forum can complain about missing support as long as the request is done in an appropriate manner.
So, I would say: Let the team gather all necessary data and wait a little for the patch. In the time between you can further improve your knowledge about the shuttle and its systems by playing "the game".

Have fun!


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Re: complaints?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2008, 02:31:51 AM »
Well said. If you discount the "OPS 304 PRO" error in STS 1 and have no way of correcting it..(I tried, trust me) and have no steer to effect a correction, then yes.. you can learn alot. Especially about what it's like to be left hanging helplessly. I initially thought this sim was a great idea. Now.. as more and more bugs make themselves evident..I am beginning to wonder....

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2008, 02:39:28 AM »
Just an idea: please try to press OPS 303 PRO before that and ten go ahead :)
Maybe we have a "bug" in the instructions, but the GPC works flawlessly.

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2008, 02:52:43 AM »
Just an idea: please try to press OPS 303 PRO before that and ten go ahead :)
Maybe we have a "bug" in the instructions, but the GPC works flawlessly.


OK...OPS 303 PRO worked. It is a "bug" in the on screen text. You have to enter OPS 303 PRO before OPS 304 PRO.

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2008, 02:56:03 AM »
Just an idea: please try to press OPS 303 PRO before that and ten go ahead :)
Maybe we have a "bug" in the instructions, but the GPC works flawlessly.


OK...OPS 303 PRO worked. It is a "bug" in the on screen text. You have to enter OPS 303 PRO before OPS 304 PRO.

Glad it worked for you - got it in the NASA GPC manual (see link in the Hints&Tips).

You cannot "jump" directly from OPS 302 to OPS 304, only if you go through 303.

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2008, 03:42:46 AM »
Just an idea: please try to press OPS 303 PRO before that and ten go ahead :)
Maybe we have a "bug" in the instructions, but the GPC works flawlessly.


OK...OPS 303 PRO worked. It is a "bug" in the on screen text. You have to enter OPS 303 PRO before OPS 304 PRO.

Glad it worked for you - got it in the NASA GPC manual (see link in the Hints&Tips).

You cannot "jump" directly from OPS 302 to OPS 304, only if you go through 303.


Agreed, however if I am not mistaken, there was no prompt in the sim to enter OPS 303 PRO...correct me if I am wrong  8)

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2008, 04:56:14 AM »
I did say "It is a "bug" in the on screen text. ", right?

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2008, 08:41:55 AM »
  Hats off to the team who developed this Sim, I have been flying sims  since the first flight sims came out, MS FS 1. I am having to learn a whole new way of flying, I like the challenge and I agree that all of a sudden all the simmers out there are having probs with the sim and getting owned by complexity. I think the sim works fine, yes there may be bugs in the program but hell, when they built the real shuttle it to had bugs that had to be worked out before they lit the match under the srb's for the first time in April of 81. To have  a couple of bugs in a flight sim is not new to anyone who has used pc based sims and other games, lets give it a chance to mature.

 My 2 sense



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Re: complaints?
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2008, 10:46:41 AM »
I'm not trying to sound overly critical or anything, but I think you guys seriously need to take a look at the on screen instructions in your sim. I have encountered numerous errors, more specifically in STS-1 and STS-26. In some cases the instructions are missing (OPS 303 PRO in STS1) and in other cases you are instructed to feed the information in to the wrong computer (Right instead of left).
In STS 26 I was preparing for deorb and was instructed to enter ITEM 22 EXEC into the right hand computer. There were no previous instructions so there was nothing missed. I entered it and of course got an error. Tried the Commanders Kbd and that did no good either. I don't mind saying I getting a little frustrated at this point. I paid good money for what I thought would be a top notch sim. Did I burn that fifty dollars? I hope not.

But seriously, guys...take a look at the on screen sim instuctions in the missions again. I'm quite sure it works..but we need ALL the instructions. I'd love to have this thing working flawlessly..I really would.


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Re: complaints?
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 05:14:18 PM »
Going by the pace at which these guys have been working i'm sure there will be another patch soon. I got hit with that one and yes I got frustrated also but lets give them a chance.

We definitely could do with a bugs thread if there isnt one already so we can get em ironed out and move on. Lets be constructive.


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Re: complaints?
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 05:36:41 PM »
Going by the pace at which these guys have been working i'm sure there will be another patch soon. I got hit with that one and yes I got frustrated also but lets give them a chance.

We definitely could do with a bugs thread if there isnt one already so we can get em ironed out and move on. Lets be constructive.

There is one in the Hints&Tips section and yes, a patch is scheduled hopefuly this weekend.

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Re: complaints?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2008, 07:30:19 PM »
Good Job as usual.  :) :)


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Re: complaints?
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2008, 09:38:57 PM »
Going by the pace at which these guys have been working i'm sure there will be another patch soon. I got hit with that one and yes I got frustrated also but lets give them a chance.

We definitely could do with a bugs thread if there isnt one already so we can get em ironed out and move on. Lets be constructive.

There is one in the Hints&Tips section and yes, a patch is scheduled hopefuly this weekend.


Great! Looking forward to it! ;D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 09:42:00 PM by Kosmonaut »

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