Author Topic: 2017-10-30  (Read 7015 times)


  • Commander
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  • Sic Itur Ad Astra
    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
« on: October 30, 2017, 10:02:48 PM »
Just trying to improve our update frequency a bit. ;D
Things has kept going on slow as usual at our end.
Decision has been made to make some final adjustment to the earth 3D graphics.
We needed some more tesselation and the whole drawing procedure has been optimized so now we can read from textures with three different resolutions in one go using shaders.
All in all it means that the current engine will support textures up to 250 meters per/pixel.
Not so useful today since it will be one heck of a download, but we are prepared anyway.
Currently we only use 250m/pixel textures around Edwards and KSC.
All this also forced a new version of EAFB, so it will delay everything even more.
But what the heck, we dropped the time plan several years ago, as you have noticed  :P.
It also seems better to fix this things before improving KSC landings.

I will end this little status update by saying thank you to all customers that have bought and actually still buys,our soon 10 year old simulator.

Thanks to all hardcore users that patiently waits for SSMS2.

A very special thank you to all the guys that keeps helping new users on the forum.
Its really good for us to be able to put all precious work hours on development instead of trying to explain stuff over and over again for newbies on the forum.
You guys manage that part better anyway.

Better stop now before Im starting to freaking cry :-*.

So, til next time, Bye bye!


- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -