Author Topic: 2017-06-29  (Read 6532 times)


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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
« on: June 29, 2017, 09:37:31 PM »
Almost three months since last update!
I better improve on this public affair stuff. :-\
Sorry for the long silence, but time has rushed by and things have been pretty well both at main occupations and development of SSMS2.
Were having some kind of vacation here. It doesnt mean were free from work, but that we have moved outside using laptops instead of sitting in an office space.
Finally a new alpha with the modernized generic procedures has been finished and are being tested as we speak.
It only contains STS-1 but STS-8 is finished and preliminary tested by developers and should work fine.
We are in the middle of STS-128 right now and things looks fine.
Next move will be a KSC landing so we can fix the entry transition and graphics of Florida. This will be fun and time consuming :-*
Some final polishing is also needed at Edwards later on but no biggie.
I'll get back as soon as test reports comes in.
( Unless they are negative :P )
Have a nice summer and thanks for all your patience!

- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -