Author Topic: 2017-01-17  (Read 6640 times)


  • Commander
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  • Sic Itur Ad Astra
    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:47:43 PM »
Hello again!
I wish you all the best for the coming year.

First, I would like to thank all people in the community for their patience. Especially everyone that contributed to get all checklists up again after the little host problem we had in December.

When it comes to SSMS2 things is still way behind schedule, but any week now a alpha will be released.
It has been a little struggle deciding how to improve the flow of this program. Since we wanted to use latest panels, latest shuttle and latest displays, we wanted to use the final software version, OI-33.
We will also use the Endeavour flight deck as role model.

In case no-one noticed SSM2007 uses a mix of OV101-OV104, with single string GPS switches at the aft A-16, A-17 panels, and Endeavour with three string GPS switches on the overhead O-7 panel. ::)

This update means current checklists is outdated, but it also make life a little easier for the desktop astronaut.
The launch/ascent checklist for STS-1 differs a LOT compared to STS-135, and mostly tests and stuff has been omitted because of new hardware, also alot of work has been taken from Astronauts and moved to Astronaut Support Personnel.
So many actions will be removed in the next version.
We are also thinking of making a much easier difficulty level, so anyone can use the sim.
Well, not everyone I guess, but more people then before anyway.

But the real work for the moment is to compare checklists with the Shuttle Crew Operations Manual and update the main flow of the mission to be as realistic as possible.
All DPS and MEDS displays will also be updated to latest software version.
This should be finished and ready for testing before the end of the month.
After that, KSC landing and graphics will get a tune up.

This might just be the year..........


- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -