« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2014, 11:49:49 PM »
If the light goes on before you get to the APU shutdown point in the normal procedures (after you are in orbit), than there is a fault somewhere resulting in insufficient hydraulic pressure, and thus the warning light.
That kind of fault typically occurs because you did not follow all the normal procedures correctly. Perhaps you missed flipping a switch or flipped a wrong switch, or flipped switches out of proper sequence, etc. It happens to a lot of people on the first few times they fly. Best advice is to go slow, use the pause, read/ reread the on screen procedure instructions.
Watch for a no-go message flashing on the screen and make note of what time (procedure step) it occurs at. That may help narrow down any possible mistakes you are making.
Beyond that there are a number of threads in this forum regarding HYD PRESS warning lights so you may want to use the search function and read through some of them. It may be of some help also.
STS-1,STS-8,STS-41C,STS-51A,STS-26,STS-27,STS-32,STS-31,STS-47,STS-88, STS-96,STS-93,STS-103,STS-99,STS-98, STS-100,STS-121,STS-116, STS-117, STS-122,STS-124,STS-125,STS-128,STS-130, STS-401,Ares-1X