Deorbit, Landing and Debriefing > Stories from SSMS(tm) missions

STS - 31 completed Hubble deployed !!!


Finally ;D

Hubble has been deployed, it felt like a relieve, getting into the RMS and
then releasing Hubble into the reaches of space...boldy going where no man has gone before hehe.. ;)

Here are my links to those pictures I took :!

Can't wait to try out the other missions, once you get used to the RMS along with the grapple index coordinates, you get a swell experience... :)

Jeff B:
Good luck and well done.  Each mission is different and challenging.  Enjoy.

Hy Jeff B,

Thanks for your comments ;D
And what mission are you currently busy with then ?

Take care,

Radjen. :)

Nice work!
Sounds like you are hooked.  Welcome to the club!


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