Ha, not just the middle east. Generalize that statement more to "It is rather disgusting how much money the USA has spend for useless military operations and equipment." The US isn't /just/ in the middle east right now, also think of all the money that's wasted on useless weapons contracts. Hell, several times congress has even approved new technology that the military didn't even want. Plus the way money is spent is just outright wasteful, even for NASA. For example, my mom sells embroidery supplies. A few years ago someone from JSC called her wanting to buy some, and he over-paid explaining that he had to spend all the budget money.
If the government cut a bunch of that useless military crap (or at the very least, optimized spending) and allocated some of the funds towards spaceflight, I think there's a lot more we could get done. Though of course, the space program needs more support. I think that's our biggest issue... not enough people in the general public (and especially people in high-powered positions) care enough about the space program.
Also as far as the "Apollo and Constellation both had no real aim" argument, I very much disagree with that. It was more than just "lol, we're on the moon." They did lots of research, experiments, and exploring on the moon as well. The area we've explored on the moon is very, very small. Plus I imagine some excellent spin-off technologies would be developed just from the technology we'd need to develop to live long-term on the moon (which was the eventual goal for Constellation. Heck, I imagine if Nixon hadn't cut Apollo, that program would have continued on to long-term habitation).