Religious hate fest is a good way to put it. They are more concerned about getting the different ET tanks to look right and the different launch towers, yet you ask about DAP, or the GPC, or APU, or the fuel cells (which I am convinced they actually do not know much about those two systems), the RMS, the autopilot during de-orbit, it is clear, you guys win.
You will always have an advocate in me. While I agree that O-F is a waste of time since they quickly turn the argument to almost nonsensicle bashing, over at AVSIM, at Dantrix, and other places, I will always recommend to people who want a different flight simming experience to give SSMS a serious look.
And if you guys ever decide to make a run at an Apollo project and give NAASP and AMSO a run for their money, I am all for that as well.
Keep up the good, no the excellent, no the awesome work, and I look very much forward to some of the other new features you guys have hinted at for version number two.
Scott K