STS-135 - the last STS mission

Started by Admin, June 01, 2011, 06:43:41 AM

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QuoteLaunch Director Mike Leinbach completed a weather briefing with Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters, Ascent Flight Director Richard Jones and the Spaceflight Meteorology group in Mission Control in Houston. While weather remains dynamic, Leinbach told the launch team, "We do have a shot at this today."

I keep my fingers crossed for a launch on time :)


Although this is a moment I was waiting for for many years (because it frees up resources for a new program if politicians take the right decisions), I fear that this launch will be quite an emotional one for me still. Anyhow I grew up with the Shuttle. Whilst every flight into space is historical, this one will be a very special one beside STS-1. It's the last flight of long and a massive program. I wish the crew a good go, all the very best, and a lot of fun up there.

NASA TV high bitrate stream:


Okay. The weather currently is only 30% "go", or 70% "no go", like a glass of water can be half full or empty ;D The sky above the pad doesn't look very well. There is only clouds but no blue sky at all. Other than Launch Director Mike Leinbach I am not that much optimistic for a launch today ???


- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -


Wow. They've had STS-1 commentator Hugh Harris there. And I have to admit that when the closeout crew held their program goodbye cards into the camera inbetween, it slightly was a wet-eye moment.


T-45 minutes and the weather currently is "go". Let's hope it stays "go"!


Should we must really a want a "go" here ? I'm a bit egoist and don't want to let her go...  :-\

- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -


Quote from: Cthulhus on July 08, 2011, 02:54:37 PM
Should we must really a want a "go" here ? I'm a bit egoist and don't want to let her go...  :-\


I also was thinking that it wouldn't be too bad really if they get another try tomorrow so that we can witness the final launch preparations a second time ;D


It still doesn't look like a "synchronised abort" today ;D

Only 23 minutes to go...


What a phantastic final launch. At T-31 seconds I was holding my breath. But they resumed just a little later. Amazing 8)


Quote from: Moonwalker on July 08, 2011, 03:42:59 PM
What a phantastic final launch. At T-31 seconds I was holding my breath. But they resumed just a little later. Amazing 8)

This was Atlantis' way of saying goodbye :)

She was playing "hard to get" - LOL!

- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -


Well that's All folks a lot of employees packing their desks and lockers today add another say thousand to the jobless market..thanks oBUMa I thought he said he could CREATE jobs YES WE CAN....NOT a bitter sweet day for America.
Completed..STS 1,8,23,26,27,31,32,47,88


Wow, this is emotional. An end of an era...!

Farewell Atlantis and the Space Shuttle era. You will truly be missed, but will live in our memories forever.


Quote from: Admin on July 08, 2011, 04:06:16 PM
Quote from: Moonwalker on July 08, 2011, 03:42:59 PM
What a phantastic final launch. At T-31 seconds I was holding my breath. But they resumed just a little later. Amazing 8)

This was Atlantis' way of saying goodbye :)

She was playing "hard to get" - LOL!


At least she tried ;D


- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -


I just managed to watch the launch on TV at work. I ran into the auto dealership I work in and saw it. Its the end of an era but there is more to come. Remember that.
STS Logbook started: 06/09/2008
Missions completed: 2
Successful landings: 13
Shuttle Flight time: 09:20 hrs