Author Topic: STS-131 - additional pictures  (Read 15416 times)


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Re: STS-131 - additional pictures
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2010, 11:50:55 PM »
Sweet pics! I want to see one of the last two launches. Anyone have any tips?

From where You want to see the launch? My informations that I have for the moment are not good - causeway closed for general public - only available for NASA guests. Perhaps the launch dates will also slip. STS-133 to November and STS-134 to 2011 - STS-135 not approved for the moment.

For me who enjoyed 2 launches - one from Titusville and one from the causeway I will not accept (or can understand) the (final ?) decision from NASA concerning causeway. Gator Tours from which I had the tickets posted a message on their site.

A 3rd launch for me from Titusville is personal a NO GO after my causeway experience.

But Titusville as location is cheap and better as a launch viewing from the visitor center.
Launches attended: STS-127, STS-131, ATLAS V 501

Personal stuff flown in space on: SOYUZ TM26 / EO 24, SOYUZ TMA 2 / ISS 7