Author Topic: Boxed copy?  (Read 30536 times)


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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2010, 12:47:36 PM »
Awesome. Now we need to get it in the JSC gift shop =p I was in there about two weeks ago and there was a lot less stuff than I remembered x.x There's also a few NASA-themed gift shops in the Houston area such as Space Center Souvenirs ( ) and Rocket Town ( ) which I think would be good carriers.
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2010, 04:36:32 PM »
Hi, can anyone tell me if you still need an activation code. as i keep forgetting mine
and when my computer gos wrong i find setting ssm up again painfull

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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2010, 06:14:47 PM »
Yes, the downloadable version still need the activation code, for the boxed copy you need to insert the cd in order to play.
If you lost your activation code you have to contact the SSM 2007 support and if you still have your order detail, they will provide you another code
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2010, 05:59:41 PM »
Just got the box copy and it is rev 3.1, as i am allready a reg member will i have to register the box copy to up date it to ver 5.30. thanks all


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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2010, 06:20:33 PM »
3.1 is the version of the manual! Please run the game and watch the game version in the lower right corner of the splash screen. It says 5.30 which is the latest :)

NO NEED TO install any of the service/mission/features packs!
They are not compatible with the boxed version!

If you do it anyway, it will mess up the installation and you'll need to uninstall and re-install the whole thing again.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 06:23:14 PM by Admin »
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2010, 06:27:24 PM »
Opps did not notice that :o. Thanks for the fast reply.
But do i need to register it for enymore updates in the near future


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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2010, 06:47:57 PM »
Registration is required for forum access and support.

Obviously you have forum access due to past purchases. When you need support, you can use your old serial number, but if you want to use the boxed serial number, you need to register it.

Basically, what do you care? Register it - it's not painful :)

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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2010, 05:11:07 PM »
So if there is any more downloads will they make them compatible with the box version?


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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2010, 07:04:53 PM »
I was really hoping the checklists might have come as part of the boxed manual and that the manual would at least have been the full one rather than the pretty useless quick start manual, so I was a little disappointed about that. A cockpit panel chart would have also been good. I think the developer missed a great marketing chance there to sell more units. Years ago these kinds of things were standard inclusions in computer game boxes, not everything changes for the better.

At the moment the boxed copy is called a collector's edition but there's actually precious little to make it worthy of the name - boxart, disk and b/w manual, and all the latest patches preinstalled. Hardly worthy of collecting. Hey ho.
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2010, 11:18:21 PM »
I was really hoping the checklists might have come as part of the boxed manual and that the manual would at least have been the full one rather than the pretty useless quick start manual, so I was a little disappointed about that. A cockpit panel chart would have also been good. I think the developer missed a great marketing chance there to sell more units. Years ago these kinds of things were standard inclusions in computer game boxes, not everything changes for the better.

At the moment the boxed copy is called a collector's edition but there's actually <SNIP>...

Nats, sorry you sound so disappointed. I'll try and provide some answers and put your position in the proper context. I hope that once you learn what we expect to achieve with the boxed version, you'll change your opinion.

The checklists are a private endeavor of one of our users. We could not use them commercially. In a world where all the developers DO NOT GIVE ANY MANUAL AT ALL (even Microsoft stopped that a few FS versions ago), I think it's refreshing that we include a USEFUL, quality-printed quick start manual (B/W in EU, and full color in the US because local considerations which were not up to us). The manual includes a hand-holding mission from liftoff to landing, not only the pathetic installation instructions, hardware requirements and keyboard shortcuts that other developers provide in the rare cases when they include a "manual" in the box. You yourself say that big manuals and charts were the norm "years ago". If so, why single us out and bash us for the change in practice which is industry-wide, especially since we exceed the norm?

Including a big cockpit map (that would have also require a bigger box), would have increased the price considerably. Same goes for printing a 100+ pages (or 200+ including checklists) manual. I don't think that would have gone well with the customers or would have increased their numbers, especially when some people expect to get everything for nothing. Would YOU buy a $75 game? Microsoft tried that once, and failed painfully.

It is easy to expect, request and complain when you chose to ignore realities. I find your comments quite unreasonable, unrealistic and unwarranted in this sense.

And BTW, the package is more aimed at the people who do not own the sim yet, do not like downloadable games, etc. etc. so its value for existing users may be lower, depending on how you regard the whole thing.

I for one, would buy the box even if I had the downloadable version. It is the first boxed edition, of what we plan to be a long-lived series, and it's always nice to own an original box of a software/game you like. Among other collectible software, I have a boxed apple FS I, and a boxed version of the Virgin Shuttle from 1993, because of these reasons. Last and least important, it is another way to supporting the development of the game and showing the appreciation to the team which has been bringing you new free missions and features almost every month, keeping it fresh ever since it's been released (as against to one or two bug fixes offered by other devs, and who usually charge for add-ons). But when some people are seemingly used to expecting everything for nothing, this might be the last of their worries, eh?

But this is only my biased opinion ;)

« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 11:48:14 PM by Admin »
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2010, 01:11:35 AM »
I am not disappointed with the game far from it in fact. I am a little disappointed with the content of the boxed 'Collectors Edition' which these days usually signifies something beyond the normal.

You are right to say that it is not the norm these days to include full size manuals etc in boxes. This all changed with the move to DVD cases. I mentioned it because a game like this screams out for a full size printed manual more than shoot-em-up game releases etc. True it would have increased the price but then surely it would have been up to us whether we would want to pay more for a 'Collectors Edition' with printed checklists and full manual or not. Personally I would have been prepared to pay more for that.

You are exceeding the norm in terms of provision of expansions and ongoing game development. I am sure everyone here appreciates that. But it has nothing to do with any added value to the boxed Collectors Edition as you are also supporting downloaded versions the same.

The bee I have in my bonnet is that to put Collectors Edition on a completely standard dvd game release is false advertising, that is my opinion. I am sorry you feel I am being unjust by mentioning this. I was disappointed with the content, I expressed my opinion.

I love the game though.
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2010, 01:50:36 AM »
I am not disappointed with the game far from it in fact. I am a little disappointed with the content of the boxed 'Collectors Edition' which these days usually signifies something beyond the normal.


First, you must believe us that if we could have had our way, we would have gone for a far more impressive package, but the market, economy situation and the skyrocketing manufacturing prices forced both us and our publishers to go for a more realistic and user-accessible "hard" content than our biased love for our sim suggested.

In our context, "collector's" means all the missions and features ever released for the sim, in a single, easily installable, beautifully printed, collectible package, with a price accessible to a large audience, even during the dire economic times which has been messing with everybody's lives for the last two years.

I am afraid that you being ready to pay $75 for a game puts you in a valued, but very  small minority. That's what the industry gurus learned the hard way. However, this would have increased the entry ticket price to the Space Shuttle "club" for many, less financially fortunate but equally or even more interested. And we are not prepared to lose this part of the market. Actually we struggled to keep the prices of the downloaded and boxed versions at the same level, at the expense of making a higher profit.

Next, I must strongly reject your "false advertising" claim. We never promised anything that we do not offer, never claimed the printed manual was anything else than the Quick Start Guide, and definitely never hinted that we offer a full cockpit poster inside. Actually, when you hold the CD box in your hands, you cannot even hope to find these inside. This is in a stark contrast to another common (negative) practice in the software business: selling the game inside a luscious huge box, without anything inside but a single CD/DVD with a printed license agreement and no manual in sight. Actually I also miss the old big, colorful boxes, with huge manuals (Falcon 4 style), but alas, those times are gone forever, and there are many happy trees out there thankful for this change :) I remember the MS announcement that they will forego with printed manuals for ALL their software, Windows, Office, games, etc. and the rest of the industry followed suit (or was it the other way around?). Anyway, these 5 years old analyst predictions proved correct: minimal packaging, no printed stuff. We were left with the option to investing in beautifully designed and full color box and CD and a useful Quick Start full-color manual (color manual in only US anyway), printed on high-quality shiny paper. Going for a less "honorable" design and materials quality would have reduced the costs considerably, but then we wouldn't have felt that we did our best to do justice to our sim, and to our customers.    

In all our advertising and media we insist in telling our customers exactly what they get, we use in-game videos and pictures without trying to "beautify" the message with real NASA footage or other tricks. We've never lied or misled anybody, but we cannot prevent wishful thinking. We cannot help it if users want to believe that we offer something else, despite our best and most honest efforts to be very clear and forthcoming about our products.

But if you are still interested in having a poster, you can actually buy one. See the link in the Announcements board. Depending on which printing size and quality you chose, this may actuallly bring you to less than the $75 you said you were prepared to pay for the box ;)

We have also toyed with the idea of offering the Commander's Reference Manual in printed version, for a price, but then we decided that not many would be interested in one anyway, especially since we offer the electronic version already, and interested people print the checklists and manuals anyway and cheaper too - if they chose to print on both sides of the page.  

Last, I am happy you're enjoying the sim. At least we got that part right, and I think that this is more important than your expectation to find a poster and a full 200+ pages book inside a standard CD box.

I hope that this insight about how and why we decided to go the way we went, and our forthcoming attitude to your challenge, will change your initial unfair perception about our intentions, box format and its contents.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 02:12:28 AM by Admin »
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2010, 10:30:06 PM »
Well I am not disappointed with the product overall and I have made my point. Thanks for producing such a great game and good luck with the new one.
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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2010, 04:37:37 AM »
Well anyway, I like the idea of the "boxed" edition, as I can give it as a B-Day/Christmas gift to someone =-= but, personally, I'm completely satisfied with the "download" version just for myself...

To each his own, I guess...

And, I am looking forward to the v2010 -- it's just that I don't have the time to spend on enjoying the product, as of lately .... this "working" thing really gets in the way of the "progress of fun".  :-))


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Re: Boxed copy?
« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2010, 06:41:54 PM »

And, I am looking forward to the v2010 -- it's just that I don't have the time to spend on enjoying the product, as of lately .... this "working" thing really gets in the way of the "progress of fun".  :-))

Sadly, many of us still need to have a real job to create the funds that fuel our hobbies... ;)

Others also need to deal with the "wife" and "kids" factors too -  ;D

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