Hi folks!
As result of the vulcain at Iceland (thx for a cancellation of my flight back) I had today my first shuttle-landing. The boom boom was great - landing with the light a problem for spectators. First I noticed Discovery as white dot in the sky - lost her (my eyes getting older) - 2 minutes later boom boom (I recorded this with a digital recorder) and I watched directly to SLF. "Slow as always" the landing.
Landing picture not perfect - what else. Later the day I went to KSC and started my hanging out at the observation gantry. With the knowledge they have to tow the shuttle back to OPF I began to follow them with my 500mm telezoom. From the OG I saw only the vertical stabilizer. First heading like Discovery landed. 20 minutes later in the other direction and towing back began. I thought how cool would be this driving to the Saturn V center and seeing the shuttle? Only a thought - this will never happen. Down to the snack bar - a coffee and back to the 4th level of OG. Seeing the trail passing the Mate / Demate Device I thought "lets get a bus". Missed one - to many visitors. Okay one new bus arrived, I´m inside and the bus driver said "Watch Out they are rolling the shuttle back and perhaps we can see it".
Holly molly - we just arrived the crossing and traffic was forced to stop. Here she comes!!!!!!
This made my day - yesterday I met at KSC the 1st chinese spaceflyer - today landing and seeing the shuttle from 400 m.
Greets from Florida, Marius aka Austromir91