Author Topic: Christmas Suprise Mission Pack 5.00 has been released!  (Read 7785 times)


  • Commander
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    • Space Shuttle Mission 2007 (tm)
Christmas Suprise Mission Pack 5.00 has been released!
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:08:16 AM »

We are happy to release today, the surprise Christmas Mission Pack 5.00 for the Space Shuttle Mission 2007 simulator:

the Ares I-X Test Launch.

The Ares I-X Test Launch mission contains real NASA comms from one hour before liftoff, until 10 minutes after liftoff. It shows all the events from liftoff, during flight, SEP, and splashdown, including the failed deployment of the third chute. The mission slide-shows between the various fixed observer KSC cameras, providing an experience similar to watching NASATV, but with the added advantage of being able to zoom in and follow Ares I-X during all the mission phases.

Please note that we also released a new Commander's Reference Manual v3.7 to cover the new addition in Appendix A. Make sure you download and read it before you run the game.

We hope you enjoy this new twist and appreciate what the SSM2007 engine is capable of.

We wish you all a


//The SSM Crew//
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 10:22:38 AM by Admin »
- The Space Shuttle Mission 2007(tm)Team -