I synced SSM2007 launch of STS-47 with todays real Launch of STS-127. It was so COOL! Every simulated event was in sync with the real thing, only MECO and external tank seperation was slightly off. I started at the 9 min hold mark and started with NASA to sync the launch.
I want to congratulate the Ground crew and all the programmers for such a great job you have done with SSM2007. It is one of the best sims I have ever had!
Just finish polishing it off by geting some of the known bugs out and work on the voices some to make it sound more realistic and you will have a perfect sim that many will enjoy for year to come.
Once again, Thanks for all of the hard work you have done on SSM2007.. I really appreceiate having expercienced a synced launch and see how well the details of a real launch was incorporated in SSM2007.