I think that NASA should use a reliable workhorse, just as the Russians do for decades with their way less anomaly and delay-annoyed Soyuz. Changing back to capsule design is the best thing NASA could have ever done for decades.
The shuttle is dangerous, sure, but so is Soyuz. Firstly, Soyuz very nearly killed its crew on two of the last three re-entrys. Secondly, it's tough to compare Soyuz or capsules to Shuttle. It's like comparing a Sokda to an 18 wheeler juggernaut.
Shuttle is more dangerous, not only because of her design, but by the very nature she's taking 40 ton of cargo with her, as well as a seven man crew.
Of course, the inline design of LVs that carry capsules is safer (LAS etc).
It's probably coming down to a crew and cargo debate, with the argument being made to keep them separate, but Soyuz isn't all that great for what it is on safety, compared to shuttle and what she is, with *only* two failures.
Not to mention Ares/Orion is still on the drawing board, and still going through TO mitigation in order not to 'incapacitate' the crew.
(Subnote: Though progress has been made - via computer modelling - on TO mitigation via dampers and TMAs.)
We won't see anything like the shuttle again for decades, but mainly because she was technically ahead of her time.