Keep raising that bar.. Thats what we've come to love about you guys.
I was still bombing around on STS-124 when SP 2.11 was released. With the new effects Im gonna restart from scratch just because I can.
I can still remember when I first saw the Ad for the simulator over at I got about ten seconds into the video before I was "grabbin for the plastic.." By far, the best, (and prolly the fastest
) $50 bones Ive ever spent game-wise.
About a week ago, I showed my eleven year old nephew "just a liftoff" just to see what someone from the "XBOX era" would think. Duly impressed, I guess its all he's been talking about since then, And then over this weekend I got.. "Uncle Benn, Can I watch you play your Space Shuttle game??" He wanted to watch (and learn) from start to finish. thats never happened ever. Now he's mad he cant get SSM on XBOX....
So in a nutshell, Thank you
Exciting Simulations.