I was surprised to hear NASA reconsidering it's decision to retire the Shuttle after all the 'badmouthing' they've been engaged in. Also depending 100% on Russia for our ability to maintain a presence in space no matter how temporary was also 'a bit nearsighted' in hindsight even in the spirit of 'Multi-National participation.'
Ive heard NASA OFFICIALS quote statistics where they conclude another accident with STS is a mathematical certain-tee. Ive heard NASA OFFICALS publicly badmouth the whole OBSS process and seem totally put off by it. (
Columbia) Even before 2003 they were having issues with thermal protection, They've dodged a couple bullets,
Atlantis in particular, had an extremely close call.
Not sure how NASA goes on here using a system they appear to have little confidence in long-term. Seems they've jump the gun and have been caught a bit flatfooted on this one. Another query, With ISS complete, What will the Shuttles' main role be and how many would we actually need? I haven't heard what happens if
Aries is delayed. Which is sure to happen.